As we are committed to strengthening bonds with clients and the community, corporate social responsibility is a focus area for us.

Our CSR initiatives are built around engaging the underprivileged sections of the community and promoting education, health care, child welfare, occupational training and other support activities that help individuals and families to become self-reliant and financially secure.

We have been privileged to always receive strong support for our CSR initiatives from our employees, partners, clients, communities and NGOs.

Health & safety

Employees are the foundation of our business and their safety is a priority at all work sites. Health and safety processes are integral to our work. All our employees and contractors take full responsibility and accountability for the planning and implementation of safety measures. The measures are then consistently evaluated in order to improve them and thus eliminate the risk of incidents.

As we continue to strive for a zero incident performance, the following principles provide the framework. These principles are included in our written health and safety programme, which is endorsed and monitored by the highest levels of our management team.

• Management commitment
• Systems and processes that integrate health and safety with operations
• Clearly communicated roles and responsibilities
• Active employee participation
• Allocation of sufficient resources
• Appropriate training

Eraada is proud to be at the forefront of environmental awareness and renewable energy management policies at the corporate level. As with our client-oriented performance, we also evaluate the impact of our activities on our employees and the ecosystem.

Our processes help us conserve natural resources, reduce our carbon footprint and increase recycling. This is embedded even in our procurement policies and solutions provided to clients. We actively promote and support awareness programmes for our clients and the community at large and participate in conservation efforts related to water, energy, natural resources, environment, infrastructure and renewable energy.

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